2008年10月17日 星期五

Too many walls

An old song from Cathy Dennis



Wish on a rainbows is all I can do
Dream of the good times that we never knew
No late nights in the warmth of your arms
I'll dream on

Living in wonder, thinking of you
Still looking for ways to uncover the truth
You're so young is all they can say
They don't know.

If I could change the way of the world
I'd be your girl
Too many walls have been built inbetween us
Too many dreams have been shattered around us
If I seem to give up they'll still never win
Deep in my heart I know the strength is within

Watching the others chances drift by
They'll never discover these feelings I hide
Deep inside I'm falling apart
All alone with a broken heart
Thinking in silence is all they allow
These words still unspoken may never be found
All these dreams one day will be mine
They cross my mind
My time has yet to come
Until then
Too many walls have been built inbetween us
Too many dreams have been shattered around us
If I seem to give up they'll still never win
Deep in my heart I know the strength is within

Chorus to fade

2008年10月8日 星期三



雖說我在股市也投資了不少,但我一向是堅決反對政府介入,沒腦子的砸錢護盤. 因為,這絕對違反社會公平正義.

以現狀而言,政府拿去護盤的四大基金,幾乎都是人民的血汗錢. 問題是,這護的是誰的盤? 誰才會真的收到實質利益?

假如說,一個辛辛苦苦打拼的工作者,他根本沒有任何一毛錢投資在股市裡. 為何他需要負擔其於投資者的風險,一起把血汗錢投入一個莫名奇妙的無底洞?

又如同我一般的投資大眾而言,股票部分已經在虧損了,你他XXOO偉大的政府還拿我以後要用的"勞退基金"給我撩下去. 股市繼續跌,我等於兩邊加速虧.....

同樣的大筆資金,如果拿去補貼全民減稅後的稅收短少,絕對是更為公平. 或是拿去讓未來的下一代有營養午餐吃,大家不也覺得比較甘願?

更何況,就算政府覺得應該護盤,現在也不會是個正確的時機點. 說難聽點,以前又不是沒見過三四千點的. 要護盤,真出現那種數字,政府基金進場也更有機會幫人民賺錢啊.